Gleesons Story
Gleeson’s Roscommon is that most authentic of establishments – a historic building lovingly transformed into a townhouse, restaurant and café. It’s a family business run with guests in mind.
Built in the 1870s as a Presbyterian manse or minister’s residence, the classic stone fronted building is beautifully proportioned and retains its original façade. The stone work is ‘ashlar’, the highest quality of cut stone generally reserved for public buildings. Fittingly, its companion building next door, once the Presbyterian Church, is now Roscommon County Museum and Tourist Office. A touching memoir of the Welshmen who built both, is a Star of David, their patron saint, which can still be seen in the window over the front door.

It was a local doctor’s house in 1970s and Eamonn and Mary Gleeson fell in love with it. Seeing its potential when it came on the market in the 1990s, the entrepreneurial couple took a leap of faith, selling their family home, buying the town centre property and converting it into a coffee shop with accommodation. Simultaneously they transformed their own careers; leaping from the security of teaching to the unpredictable but addictive world of hospitality. Their three children were under 7 years old at the time and became part of the family business as soon as they were able.

Gleeson’s was immediately popular with locals and its reputation soon grew in Ireland and around the globe. Eamonn and Mary developed the building and the business carefully and respectfully into the thriving boutique hotel, restaurant and café it is today. One cornerstone of Gleeson’s is the consistently exceptional quality of their food, supporting local suppliers at every opportunity. Mary has a regular chef slot on local radio and been invited to do demonstrations at events across the globe. Gleeson’s are particularly proud of their local lamb and are heavily involved in the annual Roscommon Lamb Festival.
The Future of Gleesons is Bright
Cáit, Eamonn and Mary’s only daughter, loved hospitality from an early age. After school and at weekends she helped out,
learning the business from the bottom up (though she admits cheffing is best left to the experts). The natural progression was to study Hotel Management and gain experience in other establishments before coming back to Roscommon and Gleeson’s. Today as part of the family’s succession plan she has taken over from her parents as Proprietor/ General Manager and is proudly steering the family business into its fourth decade.
Gleeson’s is totally enmeshed with the local community and are enthusiastic supporters of everything to do with Roscommon from The Rossies GAA, to all manner of sporting teams and events as well as festivals and concerts. Mary helps beautify the town by planting flowers and greenery. Cáit is active in the Chamber of Commerce and Eamonn was heavily involved in twinning Roscommon Town with Chartrettes, outside Paris. Eamonn is past president of both the Chamber of Commerce and the Lions Club.
Gleeson’s Roscommon is special; it is beautifully appointed yet comfortable and welcoming to all. At Gleeson’s the ‘fáilte’ is genuine. Every team member cares deeply about their guests and the experience they have. They’ve retained all that’s best about the old traditional hospitality values and blended them seamlessly with all the conveniences a visitor could desire. The Gleeson family are at the heart of the business and their core values permeate every aspect of it.