Proud to be ‘green and clean’
19.5 tons of carbon saving this year
The latest step in the Gleesons Townhouse journey towards true sustainability is a move to 100% clean energy through electricity from Pinergy. Our Environmental Policy and Green Strategy gives us a solid base to work from in this transformation.
Both our General Manager Cáit and her father Eamonn, who plays an integral role in running the family business, are committed to making the changes needed to run the business sustainably. They were enthusiastic participants in the Green for Micro Programme with the Local Enterprise Office to help prepare small businesses for the low carbon more resource efficient economy of the future. We chose it as we are actively seeking new ways to make further sustainability improvements to manage our business in harmony with the environment.
Energy costs are an ongoing challenge for us as well as every other hospitality business. We saw the solution in trying to control costs ourselves through solar panels to generate clean, green renewable energy on the ample south facing roof space. We have installed a bank of solar panels, a 50kw system which has delivered 35,650kw of power since the beginning of this year and has saved19.5 tons of carbon. At the same time we have upgraded equipment to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Old boilers have been replaced with highly efficient condensing gas boilers as well as new efficient storage cylinders and circulation pumps.
All lighting in the premises has been replaced with LED lighting. Outside our Townhouse we have installed two EV car charging points as a facility for customers. We already buy from local suppliers as often as possible to ensure low product mileage. We recycle responsibly and try to cut down on as much waste as we possibly can. Kitchen waste is strictly monitored and kept to a minimum. We also have other plans to increase the sustainability of our operations and the customer impact on the environment.
We are doing our best to take a responsible attitude to this immense challenge which faces not only the hospitality industry, but every business and every person on the planet. Together we can make a difference.